The fast-paced legal tech world is constantly evolving. At Legaltech News, we always try to bring you the latest news on hirings, product and feature releases, new integrations, legal tech mergers and acquisitions, and more. The Legal Tech Rundown is a periodic update of legal tech stories that might have gone under the radar over the past few weeks.
ClaimScore: On Jan. 3, the AI-based claim management and anti-fraud solutions for class action settlements provider ClaimScore announced that it has made its proprietary anti-fraud solution available for commercial use. The provider uses a 20-plus point AI algorithm that is trained to identify fraud criteria that could escape claimants, and then is displayed to claim administrators through an interactive dashboard, according to the press release. “Our independent, objective solution uses a proprietary scoring system that legitimizes real claims and identifies fraudulent ones. In releasing our closed beta version of the software through early adopter, claims administrator AI Class Solutions, we’ve successfully deployed our software in numerous cases across various state and federal jurisdictions, validating its ability to catch and report claim fraud in real-time,” said Robert Gallo, CEO of ClaimScore, in the press release.